Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sex and the City Scenery

So, Memorial weekend I had a toy party! This is the first social event I've hosted at a residence since college. The day before and up until the party actually started, I was freaking out. How many people are going to be there? What food should I get? How much? The only thing I had bought already were these really cute plates, napkins and utensils. 

Anyway, the plan was to go see Sex and the City 2 at around 4pm, then come back to the apartment and have the par-tay. Well, I bought my ticket to the movie on Monday, and apparently they make changes to the showtime and show length without telling people. I am in the movie theater at 6:50 and [spoiler alert] Carrie has only just told Big she kissed Aidan.

The movie in all was "ehh," but there were definitely funny parts. The costumes, albeit gorgeous, were a little to over the top. I know at this point all the girls make serious money, but I still don't think they would dress so extragantly...even if they went to Abu Dhabi. The hotel in Abu Dhabi was extravagant too, but not in a bad way because I would expect it to look like that. Lots of glitter and gold, big structures...modern with Middle Eastern roots.

Scenes from the movie showing the hotel room they stayed in. Courtesy Metro.

So I had to run out on the movie early, go to the apartment, setup the food and drinks that I have. Then, I went back out to Giant and bought some more food. 

The total count for the party ended up being 6, not including myself, and it was the perfect number. The girls had a good time (I was told). I was nervous about how everyone was going to vibe with eachother, but sex--being a great common factor--had everybody chatting it up. Will I have another one of these...IDK. We'll see if my heart can stand the freaking out.  

1 comment:

  1. I work at Spencers, I can deff help you with, um party supplies :)

    Sarah Roze
